Welcome to Advanced Roofing Inc.

Company Sponsored Loan Opportunity

Mar 25, 2020 | Corona

We understand today’s current environment may have an unfortunate effect on personal finances. As part of our culture of putting people first and taking all possible precautionary measures to prevent employees who may be affected by the coronavirus reporting into work, Advanced Roofing is providing assistance to employees in need that may or have lost wages due to the coronavirus. Therefore, we are offering eligible employees the ability to take a loan out directly from the Company. This program will be available through the end of April 2020.  Details on eligibility and who to contact to take advantage of this opportunity should you meet the eligibility requirements are below.
Eligibility Criteria:
  1. Must be an employee of the Company for over 90 days
  2. Must have not been able to work because worksite was shut down, was sent home sick and unable to work from home, stayed home sick and unable to work from home or was sent home to self-isolate because of Company protocols
  3. Must have used up all available PTO and vacation time
  4. Must complete a Promissory Note agreeing on the payback terms of the loan
  5. Employees who voluntarily choose to self-isolate (stay home on their own choice) are not eligible
Loan Information
  1. The loan is interest-free
  2. Eligible employees can take up to 1 weeks’ worth of salary
  3. The payback period is over 3 months (12 weeks) and begins the first pay period employee completes from the return of any cease in business operations or self-isolation due to coronavirus
If you meet the eligibility criteria and want to sign up and/or have any questions please contact Berenice Pacheco in HR at berenicep@advancedroofing.com.


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