The 24-Hour Rule
We believe an outstanding customer service experience begins with responding to customers within 24 hours, our Construction and Service Teams’ availability to customers 24/7, and responding to all requests, texts, calls, and emails within the 24-Hour Rule.
Our customers expect us to respond quickly to their needs because it is what we promise to them. The power of our large Advanced Roofing Team that we talked about last month can only happen if we all respond quickly to each other. You might be the only person on our team who has the piece of information or skill that the team needs to be able to move forward. That’s why the 24-Hour Rule is so important to everyone’s success!
Sure, we are all busy and have more to do every day. We all wish we had more time. However, we believe the 24-hour Rule has made our company unique and more successful than our competitors. Let’s strive to do our best by quickly responding at work to our two most important groups of people, our customers, and our teammates.
The National Customer Experience Impact (CEI) report has a few key takeaways:
- Pick up the phone quickly- 58 percent of customers say their expectations were not met because a company was unavailable by phone and e-mail.
- Shake a leg – 56 percent said companies are slow to take action to resolve issues.
- Be friendly – 51 percent said companies are impersonal; sometimes they can’t even get the customer’s name right.
Let’s also be smart about the time we spend using the communication tools we have available to us. As an example, consider these time-saving tips for email use adapted from How to Adopt Email Management Best Practices at Work:
1) Use clear, specific subject lines. Keep subject lines direct and to the point
2) Include the right people and state why they are on the email. Send emails to only the people who require the information, and who need to take action.
3) Lead with your action items. In the first two or three sentences of your email define who needs to take what action and by when.
When replying to an email, keep these tips in mind:
1) Remember that you do not need to respond to everything. Make sure that your replies are actionable and relevant and know that a reply isn’t always necessary.
2) Keep your responses short. In many cases, brief responses are best, and you don’t always need to give a lengthy response to a lengthy email.
3) Remove unnecessary people. Don’t “reply all” on reflex:
Let’s support each other in meeting the challenge of the 24-Hour Rule. Thank others when they respond quickly to your requests. If someone doesn’t get back to you fast enough, explain nicely why it is important to you. Ask them how you should request their help the next time. Recognize when a co-worker moves quickly to respond to a customer.
Our company beliefs and values make us a greater place to work, a better provider to our customers, and a more valuable contributor in our communities. This is what makes us Advanced!
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